The End Is Near - Now What?

Observe the detail.

Observe the detail.

The end of 2020 is near and most people say the end can’t come soon enough! But what does this mean as a runner?

In most years by mid November you have probably ran your big destination race. It’s also likely your next race will be what I like to call a “Party Race”, meaning you and most other runners will simply run it for the true fun of it. Serious training this time of year is over. In normal times, some ultra serious Boston Marathon runners may be ramping up their mileage, but most runners need to use this time of the year to simply and literally re-charge their batteries. Obviously this has not been a normal year in many ways. Regardless, you have maintained your health, continued to run, and likely trained hard for your favorite races even if they were virtual races this year. November through December is the time to reflect, plan, and prepare for 2021.

Run slower, observe and appreciate your surroundings.

Run slower, observe and appreciate your surroundings.

During this time of the running year the body, mind, and soul need to recoup from months of serious training. If you don’t let your body recharge you will flirt with injury, boredom, fatigue, and more. This is the time of year to relax during your runs, run slower, run less, run easy, but of course, still get out and run. It’s also the time to plan ahead for next year. Set a new goal, search out a new race destination, and best of all create your wish list of running items for Santa!

While this is the time of year to cut back on your running efforts, it’s also a great time of year to start or re-visit that conditioning routine you never really got into last year. Darker hours and cooler temps are a great time to stay indoors and focus on dynamic stretches, strength work, and even meditation! You do not need to be in a gym either. Most of these routines do not require any equipment other than your own body and a few square feet of floor area. There are plenty of examples of these routines on YouTube. Search our hip movements, knee and ankle movements, balancing, core strength, and more. Trade off 20-30 minutes of your running time for these routines 3-5 times a week and you will be in a great position to begin your 2021 running year !

Thanks for stopping by to read my post and be sure to check back soon for setting and successfully attaining your goals for 2021.

I welcome your feedback (email: on this post and continue to Run Happy !

Thanks again.

Coach Lee