So You Signed Up to Run a Full or Half Marathon!


So you have signed up for a full (26.2) or half (13.1) marathon. Most likely your big race is in the fall months, you are already four to maybe eight weeks into your training plan, you may have "mostly" kept to some sort of training plan, and so far so good.  Right? 

You also very likely fall into one of two categories, either you are an experienced runner who knows what you are doing because you have done this so many times before, or you are a runner who has never trained to run either a full or half marathon. 

If you fit the first category you most likely have plateaued in your race results. Perhaps you are consistently on the outer bubble of marathon times it takes to qualify for Boston. Perhaps you consistently finish among the leaders in your age group but your PR's just keep getting farther away and fewer between? But you are a seasoned veteran of many marathons and other races so you know how to correct this right?

For those who fit the second category, a newer runner, are you sure you know how to take on the challenges of the training that remains ahead?  Perhaps you are training with a runner that fits the first category above? You figure if your experienced running buddy knows what they are doing so all you need to do is follow along, right?

My guess is the the vast majority of all runners can easily fit into one or the other category of runners noted above.  But when race day comes, you stand there alone at the start (with hundreds or thousands along your side), the thought will inevitably enter your brain, did I really train well enough to do this?  Could I have run another long run?  or any number of other second thoughts about your training. Fortunately, you will not have too much time to dwell on your thoughts because the gun will go off and you will be running a marathon (or half)! 

Well one way to secure your thoughts, gain confidence, race smartly, or break through your racing plateau is to work with an experienced running coach.  There are as many reasons and ways to work with a coach as there are runners. Most runners and coaches believe it's best to work with a coach from the very beginning of a runner's training plan. While there are benefits to such an arrangement it doesn't preclude retaining a coach after you have already started training for your big race!

The runner can benefit even from periodic meetings and sessions with a coach.  Although the sooner a coach can be involved with a runner during their training the better.  So, back to the start, if you have signed up to run a full or half marathon for the fall of this year now is the time to connect with The Running Architect and find out how you can break through that plateau of race finish times, optimize your training effort between now at the sounding of the start gun, and race your best! 

Take a peek at our Services link and review options that are available to you the runner regardless of what stage of training you are at now. 

Remember, Run Happy

Coach Lee  aka  The Running Architect